The evolution of CAST’s UDL Guidelines has been and continues to be a dynamic, collaborative, and research-based process. We shared the first version of the Guidelines — Version 1.0 — in 2008. Since that time, we have collected and specifically solicited feedback from the field. This feedback, along with expanding research in the areas of UDL, education, cognitive science, psychology, neuroscience, disability studies, inclusive education, and asset-based pedagogies, has led us to develop different iterations of the Guidelines over time. The current version, UDL Guidelines 3.0, marks CAST’s fifth iteration. Each of these representations has a particular goal and traces our learning not only as an organization, but as a UDL field more broadly.
You can find UDL Guidelines Version 2.2 downloads and translations below.
Version 3.0 (2024)
Version 3.0 marks CAST’s fifth iteration in the continued evolution of the UDL Guidelines. UDL Guidelines 3.0, builds upon previous iterations and emphasizes addressing barriers rooted in biases and systems of exclusion for learners with and without disabilities. This expanded version aims to fulfill the promise of the Guidelines as a resource to guide the design of learning environments and experiences that reduce barriers and more fully honor and value every learner.
For a detailed description of our community-driven, research-based process to update the guidelines and develop version 3.0, please explore the FAQ sections: “What process was used to update UDL Guidelines 3.0?” and "What exactly has changed in Guidelines 3.0?".
Choose your UDL Guidelines v. 3.0 representation!

With numbers
Do you prefer a version of the UDL Guidelines that numbers the Guidelines and Considerations for reference and research attribution?

Without numbers
Do you prefer a version of the UDL Guidelines without numbers to help focus on the content for UDL implementation?

Without considerations
Do you prefer a blank version of the UDL Guidelines without considerations?
APA Citation: CAST (2024). Universal design for learning guidelines version 3.0 [graphic organizer]. Lynnfield, MA: Author.
Version 3.0 Translations
Arabic (3.0) — اللغة العربية
Graphic Organizer: منظم الرسوم UDL (الإصدار 3.0)
Simplified Chinese (3.0) — 简体中文
Graphic Organizer: 通用学习设计指南
French (3.0) — français
Graphic Organizer: Conception Universelle De L’apprentissage : Lignes Directrices
German (3.0) — Deutsch
Generously donated by Thomas Müller and Stewart Campbell with feedback generously donated by Sven Heckele and Lucas Lepelt
Graphic Organizer: Die Universal-Design- for-Learning-Leitlinien
Italian (3.0) — Italiano
Generously donated by Lia Daniela Sasanelli with feedback generously donated by Giovanni Addati and Vincenzo Antonio Gallo
Graphic Organizer: Linee Guida UDL 3.0
Japanese (3.0) — 日本語
Generously donated by Kame Barnes, Tomo Kawamata, Naoko Nagoshi, and Natsuko Takemae-Sells
Graphic Organizer: 「学びのユニバーサルデザイン(UDL)」ガイドライン
Portuguese (Brazil- 3.0) — Português
Generously donated by Raquel Aparecida Rosa with feedback generously donated by Prof. Dr. Anderson Roges Teixeira Góes, José Ricardo Dolenga Coelho, and Eladio Sebastian Heredero
Graphic Organizer: Diretrizes do Design Universal para Aprendizagem
Portuguese (Portugal- 3.0) — Português
Generously donated by Marisa Maia, Professor at the University of Aveiro and researcher at CIDTFF
Graphic Organizer: Desenho Universal para a Aprendizagem: princípios, diretrizes e pontos de verificação
Russian (3.0) — Русский
Graphic Organizer: Руководство по универсальному подходу к обучению, версия 3.0
Spanish (3.0) — español
Graphic Organizer: Pauta DUA v. 3.0
Turkish (3.0) — Türkçe
Generously donated by Elif Buber, Resit Yalin Guckiran, and Fatma Er Yuksel
Graphic Organizer: Öğrenme İçin Evrensel Tasarım İlkeleri
Ukrainian (3.0) — Українські
Generously donated by Oksana Pasichnyk
Welsh (3.0) — Cymraeg
Generously donated by Ed Kelly
Graphic Organizer: Canllawiau Dylunio Cyffredinol ar gyfer Dysgu
We recognize the importance of intentional word choices to maintain meaning in the work of translation. If you have feedback on the translations provided or are interested in supporting CAST's work to translate the UDL Guidelines 3.0 to additional languages, please email
Version 2.2 (2018)
Version 2.2 was released in 2018 as part of the launch of CAST’s UDL Guidelines website, a comprehensive resource dedicated to sharing information about the UDL Guidelines. Several structural changes were made to the graphic organizer to better support educators and other practitioners who were new to UDL. For example, the goal of UDL was more clearly articulated, the access row was once again moved to the top row as a way to emphasize access as the foundation of UDL, each of the rows were labeled to clarify how the guidelines worked together, and brief summary statements or “taglines” were developed for each guideline and checkpoint to clearly and succinctly describe the intent.
Download Version 2.2 Graphic Organizer with numbers
Download Version 2.2 Graphic Organizer without numbers
Download Version 2.2 Graphic Organizer without checkpoints
APA Citation: CAST (2018). Universal design for learning guidelines version 2.2 [graphic organizer]. Wakefield, MA: Author.
Download Version 2.2 Key Questions to Consider When Planning Lessons
Download Version 2.2 Full Text
APA Citation: CAST (2018). Universal Design for Learning Guidelines version 2.2. Retrieved from
Version 2.2 Translations
Arabic (2.2) — اللغة العربية
Generously donated and transcribed by Mousa Alribi, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Graphic Organizer: منظم الرسوم UDL (الإصدار 2.2)
Catalan (2.2) — Catalá
Graphic Organizer: Pautes de Disseny Universal per a l'Apre (versió 2.2)
Simplified Chinese (2.2) — 简体中文
Graphic Organizer: 通用学习设计指南
French (2.2) — français
Generously transcribed and donated by Terri Charchuk, Enseignante Anglais langue seconde
Graphic Organizer: Conception Universelle De L’apprentissage : Lignes Directrices
German (2.2) — Deutsche
Generously donated and transcribed by Martin Lüneberger, updates by Silvia Frank, Thomas Müller, & Martin Felix
Graphic Organizer: UDL-Richtlinien v. 2.2
Spanish (2.2) — español
Graphic Organizer: Pauta DUA v. 2.2
Irish Language (2.2) — Gaeilge
Graphic Organizer: Na Treoirlínte maidir le Dearadh Uilíoch don Fhoghlaim v. 2.2
Italian (2.2) — italiano
Graphic Organizer: Linee guida UDL 2.2 Italia
Japanese (2.2) — 日本語
Graphic Organizer: UDLガイドラインの図表はこちら:UDL原則とチェックポイントがカラー刷りで一覧になっています。
Portuguese (2.2) — Português
Generously donated and transcribed by Victor Menna, Formador e Assessor Pedagógico
Graphic organizer: completo | semnumeros | embranco
About the Graphic Organizer: diretrizesDUA_v2-2_pt-BR_sobreoorganizador
Key Questions to Consider When Planning Lessons: diretrizesDUA_v2-2_pt-BR_perguntasplanejamento
Swedish (2.2) — svenska
Graphic Organizer: UDL grafisk arrangör 2.2 svenska
Universal Design for Learning – svensk översättning textversion
Turkish (2.2) — Türkçe
Generously donated and transcribed by Elif Buber
Graphic Organizer: Öğrenmeni̇n Gerçekleşmesi̇ İçi̇n Evrensel Tasarim İlkeleri̇
Unified English Braille (contracted)
Generously donated and transcribed by Dr. Natalina Martiniello
Graphic Organizer: UDL Guidelines v.2.2 with numbers, braille ready file
Version 2.1 (2014)
Version 2.1 first appeared in Anne Meyer, David H. Rose, and David Gordon’s Universal Design for Learning: Theory and Practice published in 2014. The structural updates made to the graphic organizer are reflective of the feedback we received after sharing Version 2.0 with the field. For example, previous versions of the graphic organizer begin with “Provide Multiple Means of Representation.” However, in this version, we begin with “Provide Multiple Means of Engagement” as a way to highlight the essential role that engagement plays in learning.
Download Version 2.1
APA Citation: CAST (2014). Universal design for learning guidelines version 2.1 [graphic organizer]. Wakefield, MA: Author.
Version 2.1 Translations
Japanese (2.1) — 日本語
Graphic Organizer: UDLガイドライン図表3.0はこちら:脳のネットワーク、UDL原則、チェックポイントがカラー刷りで一覧になっています。
Spanish (2.1) — español
Graphic Organizer: Encuentren las Pautas de DUA: Un resumen de las Pautas de Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje.
Version 2.0 (2011)
Version 2.0 includes several structural and content changes reflective of the feedback we received after sharing the original version, Version 1.0, with the field. For example, we developed a full text version to more fully describe not only the principles, guidelines, and checkpoints but also the thinking behind the UDL framework more broadly. And, in the Graphic Organizer version 2.0, we made several wording level changes to specific checkpoints to clarify to more accurately reflect our intended meaning.
Download Version 2.0 APA Citation: CAST (2011). Universal design for learning guidelines version 2.0 [graphic organizer]. Wakefield, MA: Author.
Download Version 2.0 Full Text
A complete narrative describing the context within which CAST developed the UDL Guidelines including explanations and examples of each principle and checkpoint.
APA Citation: CAST (2011). Universal design for learning guidelines version 2.0 Wakefield, MA: Author.
Version 2.0 Translations
Arabic (2.0) — النسخة العربية
Graphic Organizer: المبادئ الرئيسية للتصميم >الشامل للتعلم ( PDF ): صورة ملونة تبين المبادئ الرئيسية للتصميم الشامل
Video: Universal Design for Learning/التصميم الشامل للتعلم (Audio in Arabic with English subtitles)
Catalan (2.0) — Català
Graphic Organizer: Quadre Resum de les orientacions del Disseny Universal per a l'Aprenentatge
Full Text: Orientacions per implementar el Disseny Universal per a l'Aprenentatge (text complert)
Chinese (traditional) (2.0) — 中文(繁體)
Graphic Organizer: 通用學習設計指南圖表詮釋:通用學習設計指南原則和要點彩色單頁詮釋
Chinese (simplfied) (2.0) — 中文(简体)
Graphic Organizer: 通用学习设计指南图表诠释:通用学习设计指南原则和要点彩色单页诠释
French (2.0) — français
Graphic Organizer: Se procurer un organisateur graphique avec les lignes directrices de la CUA: les principes et points de référence de la CUA sont représentés en couleur sur une page.
Irish Language (2.0) — Gaeilge
Full Text: Treoirlínte maidir le Dearadh Uilíoch don Fhoghlaim (UDL): Léiriúchán Téacs Iomláin
Greek (2.0) — Ελληνικά
Graphic Organizer: Αποκτήστε ένα Γραφικό Οργανωτή με τις Κατευθυντήριες Γραμμές του ΚαΣΜα: Μια πολύχρωμη μονοσέλιδη θεώρηση των αρχών και των σημείων ελέγχου.
Italian (2.0) — italiano
Graphic Organizer: Linee guida UDL 2.0 Italia
Full Text: Linee guida UDL 2.0: Testo Completo
Japanese (2.0) — 日本語
Graphic Organizer: UDLガイドラインの図表はこちら:UDL原則とチェックポイントがカラー刷りで一覧になっています。
Full Text: UDLガイドライン全文はこちらから
Full Text: UDLガイドライン全文はこちらから
Korean (2.0) — 한국어
Graphic Organizer: UDL 가이드라인 도표 다운로드: UDL원칙과 체크포인트가 간단하게 정리된 한 페이지 도표입니다.
Portuguese (2.0) — português
Graphic Organizer: Princípios Orientadores do Universal Design for Learning: Um referencial multicolor dos princípios orientadores da aprendizagem.
Spanish (2.0) — español
Graphic Organizer: Encuentren las Pautas de DUA: Un resumen de las Pautas de Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje.
Full Text: Accede a las Pautas del Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje (DUA) en formato texto: Un documento completo en el que se describe el marco en el que CAST desarrolla las Pautas del DUA incluyendo explicaciones y ejemplos de cada uno de los principios y puntos de verificación.
Swedish (2.0) — svenska
Full Text: Universell design för lärande, fulltext, version 2.0.
Version 1.0 (2008)
This version of the Guidelines represents CAST’s original blueprint for the UDL Guidelines. We developed this first version in response to the field’s desire for more concrete support in applying the UDL framework to practice.
Download Version 1.0
APA Citation: CAST (2008). Universal design for learning guidelines version 1.0 [graphic organizer]. Wakefield, MA: Author.
Version 1.0 Translations
Romanian (1.0) — Română
Graphic Organizer: Descarcă Principiile de Design Universal pentru Instruire: Un tabel în culori ce conţine principiile DUI
Spanish (1.0) — español
Graphic Organizer: Encuentren las Pautas de DUA: Un resumen de las Pautas de Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje.