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Research for Consideration 1.3

Articles used to update and expand the research base for Guidelines 3.0 are noted with an asterisk (*).

Aguilera, J. I. (2023). Reclaiming narratives through culturally sustaining teaching: Women of color, historical significance, and the Civil Rights Era. History Teacher, 56(3), 387-413.*

Anderson, J. (2019). Hooked on Classics. Ed. Magazine. Harvard Graduate School of Education.*

Anthony-Stevens, V., & Matsaw Jr, S. L. (2020). The productive uncertainty of indigenous and decolonizing methodologies in the preparation of interdisciplinary STEM researchers. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 15, 595-613.*

Beach, P., & Cleovoulou, Y. (2014). An inquiry-based approach to critical literacy: Pedagogical nuances of a second grade classroom. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 60(1), 161-181.*

Biddle, A. M., & Clinton-Lisell, V. (2023). “The pictures allowed me to connect to the material more”: Student perceptions of a diversity-focused open pedagogy assignment. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 9(4), 405.

Calderon, F. (2021). Mestizaje epistemologies: Braiding latina women narratives. Taboo: The Journal of Culture and Education, 20(1), 7.*

Delgado, P. (2021). Culturally relevant literature for K-5 students. Texas Journal of Literacy Education, 9(1), 35-44.*

Mawyer, K. K. N. (2019). Supporting Hawai'i's preservice science teachers in designing culture and place-based instruction. Educational Perspectives, 50(1), 26-29.*

Marco‐Bujosa, L. M., Friedman, A. A., & Kramer, A. (2021). Learning to teach science in urban schools: Context as content. School Science and Mathematics, 121(1), 46-57.*

Miller, R. D., Mackiewicz, S. M., & Correa, V. I. (2017). A multi-modal intervention for English language learners: Preliminary results. Education and Treatment of Children, 40(2), 209-232.*

Muhammad, G. (2020). Cultivating genius: An equity framework for culturally and historically responsive literacy. Scholastic.*

Shin, J. H., Pang, M. E., Angay-Crowder, T., Choi, J., & Cho, A. (2020). Bringing transformed practices and identities into the center of language teachers' pedagogy: Neglected components of multiliteracies. TESOL International Journal, 15(6), 60-83.*

Simsek, M. R. (2022). A corpus-based comparison of inclusiveness in L2 reading materials for refugee children. IAFOR Journal of Education, 10(1), 53-71.*

Style, E. (1996). Curriculum as window and mirror. Social Science Record, 33(2), 21-28.*

Tschida, C. M., Ryan, C. L., & Ticknor, A. S. (2014). Building on windows and mirrors: Encouraging the disruption of “single stories” through children’s literature. Journal of Children’s Literature, 40(1), 28-39.*