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Research for Consideration 2.4

Articles used to update and expand the research base for Guidelines 3.0 are noted with an asterisk (*).

Brown, L. X. Z. (2013). How “differently abled” marginalizes disabled people. *

Brown. L.X.Z. (2014). (Updated). Violence in Language: Circling Back to Linguistic Ableism. *

Byrd, A. S., Oppenheimer, K., Silverman, R., & Edwards, J. (2024). Filling in the blank: The development of a writing screener for elementary school students who speak African American English. Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools, 55(2), 598-606.*

Casey, J. E., Mireles, S. V., Viloria, M. D. L., & Garza, E. (2018). Literacy & Arts Integration in Science: Engaging English Language Learners in a Lesson on Mixtures and Solutions. Texas Journal of Literacy Education, 6(1), 51-69.*

Islam, C., & Park, M. H. (2015). Preparing teachers to promote culturally relevant teaching: Helping English language learners in the classroom. Multicultural Education, 23(1), 38-44.*

Kelly, L. B. (2022). A Translanguaging Read‐Aloud. The Reading Teacher, 75(6), 763-766.*

Marco‐Bujosa, L. M., Friedman, A. A., & Kramer, A. (2021). Learning to teach science in urban schools: Context as content. School Science and Mathematics, 121(1), 46-57.*

Miller, J., Olson, M., Bryant, C., Hite, R., & Childers, G. (2023). Beyond binary: K‐12 student use of gender‐inclusive language in a scientific context. School Science and Mathematics, 123(2), 68-81.*

Relyea, J. E., Zhang, J., Liu, Y., & Lopez Wui, M. G. (2020). Contribution of home language and literacy environment to English reading comprehension for emergent bilinguals: sequential mediation model analyses. Reading Research Quarterly, 55(3), 473-492.*

Seiler, G., & Kwamboka, H. (2019). A neoindigenous perspective on language silencing in science education. Research in Science Education, 49, 1041-1053.*

Watts‐Taffe, S. (2022). Multimodal literacies: Fertile ground for equity, inclusion, and connection. The Reading Teacher, 75(5), 603-609.*