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Consideration 3.1
Connect prior knowledge to new learning

Information is more accessible and likely to be understood by learners when it is presented in a way that primes, activates, or provides any prerequisite knowledge. Barriers and inequities exist when background knowledge that is unfamiliar to some learners is critical to integrating or using new information. However, there are also barriers for learners who have the necessary background knowledge, but might not know it is relevant. Those barriers can be reduced when options are available that support learners in connecting relevant prior knowledge, or link to the prerequisite information elsewhere.

  • Anchor instruction by linking to and activating relevant prior knowledge (e.g., using visual imagery, concept anchoring, or concept mastery routines).
  • Use advanced organizers (e.g., KWL methods, concept maps).
  • Pre-teach critical prerequisite concepts through demonstration or models.
  • Bridge concepts with relevant analogies and metaphors.
  • Make explicit cross-curricular connections (e.g., teaching literacy strategies in the social studies classroom).

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