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Articles used to update and expand the research base for Guidelines 3.0 are noted with an asterisk (*).

Bruneau, E. G., Cikara, M., & Saxe, R. (2015). Minding the gap: Narrative descriptions about mental states attenuate parochial empathy. PLOS ONE, 10(10), e0140838.*

Calabrese Barton, A., & Tan, E. (2020). Beyond equity as inclusion: A framework of “rightful presence” for guiding justice-oriented studies in teaching and learning. Educational Researcher, 49(6), 433-440.*

Connor, D. J., & Berman, D. (2019). (Be) Longing: a family’s desire for authentic inclusion. International Journal of Inclusive Education, 23(9), 923-936.*

Cruz, B., Meca, A., Wright, A., Veniegas, T. K., Allison, K. K., Santibanez, L., Scurry, S. & Gonzales-Backen, M. (2024). Examining the role of identity development and cultural stressors in the establishment of a US identity among Hispanic/Latinx college students. Journal of Latinx Psychology.*

Fernández, D. P., Ryan, M. K., & Begeny, C. T. (2023). Recognizing the diversity in how students define belonging: evidence of differing conceptualizations, including as a function of students’ gender and socioeconomic background. Social Psychology of Education, 26(3), 673-708.*

Fong, C. J., Owens, S. L., Segovia, J., Hoff, M. A., & Alejandro, A. J. (2021). Indigenous cultural development and academic achievement of tribal community college students: Mediating roles of sense of belonging and support for student success. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.*

Flint, A. S., & Jaggers, W. (2021). You matter here: The impact of asset-based pedagogies on learning. Theory Into Practice, 60(3), 254-264.*

Price, J., & Fox, A. (2023). Transformative praxis: A critical design framework for belonging and inclusion in technology-rich learning spaces. Journal of Teaching and Learning with Technology, 12, 55-71.*

Reznik, G., Massarani, L., & Calabrese Barton, A. (2023). Informal science learning experiences for gender equity, inclusion and belonging in STEM through a feminist intersectional lens. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 18(3), 959-984.*

Rutledge, M. L., & Gnilka, P. B. (2022). Breaking down barriers: A culturally responsive career development intervention with racially minoritized girls of color. Journal of College Access, 7(1), 7.*

Tan, E., & Barton, A. C. (2023). Teaching Toward Rightful Presence in Middle School STEM. Harvard Education Press.*

Wang, L., Gonzalez, P. D., Lau, P. L., Vaughan, E. L., & Costa, M. F. (2023). “Dando gracias”: Gratitude, social connectedness, and subjective happiness among bilingual Latinx college students. Journal of Latinx Psychology, 11(3), 203.*