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Consideration 8.4
Foster belonging and community

To support learners to sustain effort and persistence — and to thrive as learners more broadly — it is critical to design learning environments where learners feel a legitimate sense of belonging and community. Fostering this legitimate sense of belonging and community is especially important for learners who have been historically excluded and/or marginalized. Further, it is important to remember the sources and meanings of belonging and community will vary across learners and contexts. Designing learning environments where there are multiple ways to develop relationships, practice caring for one another, and strengthen connections to learners' multiple and intersecting identities is essential.

  • Create opportunities for learners to share their perspectives on what belonging and community can feel like and look like.
  • Create opportunities for learners to share their ideas for different ways to foster belonging and community.
  • Welcome interests and identities. (Guideline 7)
  • Examine when or how bias may be creating barriers to learners’ sense of belonging.

Sustaining Effort & Persistence | More Considerations