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Articles used to update and expand the research base for Guidelines 3.0 are noted with an asterisk (*).

Baglieri, S., Bejoian, L. M., Broderick, A. A., Connor, D. J., & Valle, J. (2011). [Re] claiming “inclusive education” toward cohesion in educational reform: Disability studies unravels the myth of the normal child. Teachers College Record, 113(10), 2122-2154.

Baglieri, S., Valle, J. W., Connor, D. J., & Gallagher, D. J. (2011). Disability studies in education: The need for a plurality of perspectives on disability. Remedial and special education, 32(4), 267-278.

Baglieri, S., & Lalvani, P. (2019). Undoing ableism: Teaching about disability in K-12 classrooms. Routledge.

Berman, D. L., & Connor, D. J. (2016). Eclipsing expectations: How a third grader set his own goals (And taught us all how to listen). Occasional Paper Series, 2016(36), 2.*

Boda, P. A. (2021). The conceptual and disciplinary segregation of disability: a phenomenography of science education graduate student learning. Research in science education, 51(6), 1725-1758.

Clark, M. A. (2006). Adult education and disability studies, an interdisciplinary relationship: Research implications for adult education. Adult education quarterly, 56(4), 308-322.

Hawkins, C. (2018). Making youth matter: The impact of exclusionary practices on the school lives of African-American males. Boyhood Studies, 11(2), 70-93.

hooks, b. (1994). Teaching to transgress. Routledge.

O'Grady, C. E., Ostrosky, M. M., Corr, C., & Roy, E. (2024). Exploring how early childhood exclusionary practices persist for multiply marginalized children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 68, 90-98.

Olander, L. (2016). Rethinking" Those Kids": Lessons learned from a novice teacher's induction

into in/exclusion. Occasional Paper Series, 2016(36), 4.

Smolkowski, K., Girvan, E. J., McIntosh, K., Nese, R. N., & Horner, R. H. (2016). Vulnerable decision points for disproportionate office discipline referrals: Comparisons of discipline for African American and White elementary school students. Behavioral Disorders, 41(4), 178-195.

Stanforth, A., & Rose, J. (2020). ‘You kind of don’t want them in the room’: Tensions in the discourse of inclusion and exclusion for students displaying challenging behaviour in an English secondary school. International journal of inclusive education, 24(12), 1253-1267.